Choices, Choices...
Hey all...
I have three different games that I could run at our first outing. Personally, I care not which one I run, so I figured I'd take votes. And the nominees are...
Feng Shui -- High action combination of wire-fu and ballistic ballet...
Iron Gauntlets -- A non-D20, high fantasy sort of thing I stumbled upon...
and Deadlands Reloaded -- The "Weird West", redone using a modified Savage Worlds ruleset...
Also... I might have a scheduling conflict with January 14th. The 16th is my son's birthday and my wife isn't certain yet if we're holding a party thing on the Sunday before (the 14th) or after (the 21st). I'll drop more details as it's worked out.
peace... Dave
While I'd play any of those, Deadlands is one I've never done at all. If, as I hear, it includes showdowns and rampaging zombies, consider my vote for that one.
Dude... showdowns and rampaging zombies are just the tip of the iceberg.
Lessee... hex-slingin' gamblers, infernal steamtech, and sand worms almost as big as anything that graced the planet dune are all part and parcel of the Weird West, and again, just a small part of what's REALLY out there.
peace... Dave
Okay folks...
Unless Doug and Stuart have any objections, I'm going with DL-Reloaded.
Adventure title has yet to be determined, and my wife and I are still discussing the date. I will be making the characters, so all you have to do is show up with dice (full range, D4-D20), some writing untensils, and an open mind.
Later... Dave
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